If an attorney is not proactive in implementing a data protection solution for their clients’ information, are they waiving the attorney-client privilege? In today’s cyber-centric society, the responsibility seems to be leaning toward the attorney to protect their clients’ information. Attorneys have access to private information, especially as technology continues to grow and advance.

Attorneys generally correspond with their clients digitally. With mobile devices nearly always within reach, it is critical to have a security solution working across all platforms. Whether your firm is large or small, data breaches and lost or stolen devices happen on a daily basis. Ponemon Institute reported the cost per industry data breach on average is now at $7.2 million, not to mention the firms’ reputation. Ike Vanden Eykel, Chief Executive Officer at KoonsFuller Family Law and former President of the Dallas Bar Association indicated: “With today’s paperless offices, we’re are looking not at the possibility of a data breach occurring, but the probability. Most of our client correspondence is done by email. That correspondence is at risk if it is not protected at the source.”

The questions that still exist within the legal profession: Who is ultimately liable for controlling and securing their clients’ information? Is it the Managing Partner of a legal firm? Is it the individual attorney? Or, is it the Chief Information Officer within the IT Department?

Everyone should have the ability to control your information no matter where it is. Encryptic® Professional provides a unique data protection solution, allowing you to control electronic data you send or receive across multiple platforms (i.e., iPhone, iPad, Android, or Tablet). Information is transmitted securely via .SAFE™ technology by our Trusted Peer-to-Peer™ platform. With Encryptics® Professional, the attorney has full control over their clients’ information through Advanced Digital Rights Management (DRM) features, giving them the power to prevent Forward, Copy, Print, and Save. Added Features allow for Read Receipt, control over Timeline Options, and even Email Recall. Through Encryptics Trusted Peer-to-Peer delivery and Advanced Digital Rights Management features, attorneys are securing their clients’ data on their device, across the pipe, and even on the client(s) device. At Encryptics, we believe you should have the power to control your information wherever it is.

Posted by Tricia Adams


Marketing Communications Manager

Ike Vanden Eykel, Chief Executive Officer, KoonsFuller Family Law, former President of Dallas Bar Association Retrieved from: https://www.koonsfuller.com/ike-vanden-eykel

Ponemon, L. (2011). Cost of a data breach climbs higher. Ponemon Institute, Retrieved from:  https://www.ponemon.org/blog/post/cost-of-a-data-breach-climbs-higher.

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